

Are you appointed as an executor and need assistance, or have one of your loved ones passed away and you needed some guidance on how to proceed?
Have you been a dependant of a deceased person and you are of the opinion that you have not been adequately provided for?
We can provide guidance and help you with:

• Manage the Estate
• Apply to the Queensland Supreme Court for Letters of administration or
• a Grant of probate
• Provide advice on intestacy
• Provide advice and negotiate on your behalf when family provisions are applicable
• Take the matters to court if necessary; or defend a matter if you have been summoned to go to court.

Feel free to contact us on (07) 3888 3566.


Planning for your loved ones when you are no longer there ensure that your assets are distributed in the way you intended to.

We can provide guidance and help you with:

• Write a will and provide advice on methods of bequeathing property
• Prepare an Enduring Power of Attorney

We provide a full service to create Wills and administer estates.

You should review your will regularly to make sure that it meets your current needs and wishes, especially when there is a change in your circumstances.

Contact us to discuss your particular estate or to arrange an appointment and we will give you clear and effective advice.
(07) 3888 3566.